Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I need to try to be a professional!

I attended a Seminor in Myanmar Info Tech last two weeks ago. At that seminor, I realized myself and so I decided to write this post.
The world is really much more competitive than it ever was.Professionalism is the only way to survive in today's world.
Until the present time, "I'm not a professional". I know myself well.
I must focus on what I'm really interested and try to be clear-headed. Ideas that are useless along my long-life must be discarded. I must be brave to jump more difficult assignments. I must make my emotional tones higher.
I must try to have a promising future very soon.
This is my conclusion on myself.


Anonymous said...

I think your are being professional now. Why do you want to try to professional? You can try as you wish. No one is permit you.

Anonymous said...

I think your are being professional now. Why do you want to try to professional? You can try as you wish. No one is permit you.